dear 2020,

Dear 2020,

As we all sit with emotional vertigo, we close your pages with pain and gratitude. Pain for the losses, the numbing of minds and hearts, the barren souls emptied dry from the lack of human connection.

The yelling. All the outside yelling. So many hurt people…. who in return, hurt people.

Gratitude, that your mercies are made new every morning. That even though people have seen so much pain and hate; their souls still yearn for love, the most. Love still prevails.

For years we’ve been shouting, but you 2020, shouted louder with this very message:

Love those in your homes. Love your neighbors. Being busy does not equal success, fulfillment or love. Being present, giving gratitude, and leaning on faith…is what nourishes our souls.

So I acknowledge the pain, but flame the fire to what we call gratitude as we welcome in 2021 with guarded anticipation and relief.

I pray that 2020 was the abrasive awakening and 2021 is the healing and transformation. I pray for the day when we can all exhale again with uninhibited joy.


